18:00 - 18:30

21 Febbraio 2018

Surviving SEO in a Voice Search World: find out the latest trend from USA

By the latest stats, 20% of people searching on mobile are doing it with voice search. And we expect that number to grow significantly as more and more people adapt to voice search and voice assistants.

Voice search, in many cases, is about convenience.

It’s no surprise that it’s popular among mobile users.

In addition, more than 40% of voice searches happen at home, versus around 20% happening on the go, and this fact presents a new level of complexity when we’re thinking about how brands can become a part of a person’s daily search habits.

In order to understand how voice search will impact the SEO strategy, Companies need to find out:

  • Why and how their audience is using voice search.
  • Who is, in fact, showing up for those voice search queries if not them — or who is ranking above them.
  • The impact of Google’s machine-learning system, RankBrain, on voice search, where voice assistants come into play, and what voice search means in a mobile-first world.

Let us help you develop your voice search SEO strategy. Bruce Clay’s tailor-made services drive your competitive advantage.

Bruce Clay

Bruce Clay

Presidente di Bruce Clay, Inc. - Bruce Clay Europe

Fondatore e presidente di Bruce Clay, Inc, pioniere della Search Engine Optimization dal 1996.
Prima di Bruce Clay, Inc ha operato in posizioni executive all’interno di aziende high-tech della Silicon Valley.
E’ speaker di conferenze importanti quali SMX e AD:TECH; creatore e formatore dell’acclamato corso SEOToolSet®, autore di libri di successo quali “Search Engine Optimization All-In-One For Dummies” giunto alla terza edizione.

Marco Megali Bruce Clay

Marco Megali

SEO Manager - Bruce Clay Europe

Digital marketing professional with solid experience in Search Engine Optimization, project management and business consulting.

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